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Cambridge, England

July 4-12, 2025

Applications open!

“As a two-time participant in the Cambridge Choral Course, this is a transformational immersion experience within the “cradle” of the
English choral tradition. Everything about the program is first-rate: the venues, food, faculty, and the professional and personal camaraderie.
Worth every cent, and then some.”—
Prof. Timothy Sawyer • University of Northwestern • St. Paul, Minnesota USA

You are invited…

Join us to experience the vast riches of the most concentrated square mile of choral music-making on earth. The Cambridge Summer Choral Course welcomes conductors and choral enthusiasts for a unique educational venture, a behind-the-scenes glimpse of life in Cambridge. This seminar-based course features lectures, observations, singing, and interactions with some of the leading conductors and choirs in the world. Course members will be in Cambridge while various collegiate and cathedral choirs are still in residence.

This course finds its roots in a similar course from the 1980’s, initiated and run by Joanne Rutter. We are grateful to Joanne and John Rutter for their support and encouragement in reviving the opportunity for choral musicians to again spend their summers studying in Cambridge.


King’s College Chapel

King’s College was founded and the chapel started under the direction of Henry VI in 1446. It was finished about 70 years later in 1515.